Medical students face unique challenges when trying to protect their financial well-being. They have yet to earn an income but are amassing substantial student loan debt obligations. Training in an environment where they are exposed to medical conditions that could eliminate their ability to secure income protection once they begin training or enter their practice years.

Guaranteeing Coverage That Can Last A Lifetime
Pricing Designed to Meet Real World Circumstances
The plans chosen by most medical schools recognize the financial constraints facing most graduates until they enter practice years. To address this issue, schools can secure coverage using a group policy that can be continued during the graduate’s training. The cost of this type of coverage is substantially less than the individual policies typically promoted by commission-based insurance agents.
Access to Greater Amounts of "Own Specialty" Protection During Practice Years
The coverage that’s been maintained during training guarantees the right to exchange this protection for an individual disability policy once training is over and the doctor enters practice years.
This coverage is provided through an individual non-cancelable contract that guarantees that the rates and contact terms can never be changed by insurance company and defines total disability as being unable to perform one’s “own specialty” for the entire benefit period.
Please provided the following information if you’d like to explore opportunities to better protect your healthcare professionals’ financial well-being.